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~ Galatians 6:7
Norton the Miniature is one of my most beloved dolls. When I made him as a child, I gave him his very first name, naming him after a beloved uncle who I'd lost a little over a decade before. You can read about him here.
Norton loves Halloween. He's a spooky little devil with red eyes and a sinister grin. He has long black hair, an open mouth with pointed teeth, and a red, satanic horn on his head.
I don't know about you, but I've never really been into scary movies. Sure, I'd see them on occasion, but I'd usually skip right over the scary parts (and those parts are few and far between). That's not the case with Norton. He loves Halloween and he loves to scare people.
For the past several years, I've received requests from children who wanted to meet Norton and take a photo or two. This year, I finally caved. My nephew brought Norton to school and my niece introduced him to her class. They were delighted with his sinister presence and thought he was just the cutest thing. I agreed.
When I got home, I spent a couple of hours pouring over Norton's wardrobe and adding more accessories. I had a big bag full of body parts to choose from, and I think I made the best choice. It's difficult to choose the perfect piece of candy in the candy bowl when there are so many mouthwatering choices, but I eventually settled on Norton's very own triangular nose. His other accessories will be added to his wardrobe in a future post.
I also decided to give Norton an owner's manual. It's appropriate to open with a warning of sorts. He'll know what you're doing when you do it, and he'll know the consequences of his actions.
In one of his hands is a little devil with horns and a big red smile. He holds the little devil in a manner that suggests that this is a malevolent force, ready to conspire against you. The other hand holds a little devil with horns and a big yellow smile. This devil seems to represent evil's optimistic side, because he's ready to help
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